Thursday, August 19, 2010

New on Foxy Fics: "We Surpassed Our Goal!"

The Foxy Fics fundraiser came to a close yesterday, surpassing our inital goal of $1000. With the help and support of many wonderful people, we managed to raise $1054.64 in just two weeks. To the special person who so selflessly made hitting our goal happen, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As I have said many times, there are no words and not enough thank you's in the world for me to truly show my gratitude.

To my authors, I am blessed that you would be so kind as to give a piece of yourself, in the form of your writing, to such a worthy cause. That simple act means everything, and I hope you will join me for Round 2. It was a pleasure reading your work and getting to know so many new people as we worked together on this fundraiser. Each of you are as much of a part of it as I am.

To the donators, I know that times can be tough and that to some $5 can means the difference between food or gas or just simply being able to say you have money in your pocket. To others, $5 is hardly anything, but which ever way it is, the fact that so many of you were willing to give to this charity speaks volumes. Some of you know someone who is suffering from Parkinson's, some of you don't, and I wish I could personally thank each of you for what you've done.

On behalf of my Father-in-law, and others who have family suffering from PD, I thank you one last time, and I hope you enjoyed the lovely works from our very talented authors. Please note that our Team Fox page will be remaining open, and if someone is still wanting to contribute, they will be able to. If a receipt is forwarded to me, I will still send the fic compilation.


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