About Us

Katbug86: So... this is me. I'm 24, I stay at home with my 2 kids, and I obsess over all things Twilight. I probably read and write too much fanfiction, but I have so much fun doing it that it probably won't change anytime soon. My Precious Fandom is my way reaching out into the fandom world, and the best part is, I get to run this site with my fav girl-- Buff82.
Buff82: Aaaand that's me.  We chose somber pictures obviously to counteract our goofiness displayed here. :) I'm a stay at home mom of two, and a photographer.  I stumbled into fanfiction around the time the first movie came out; eventually endeavoring to write my own stories around October of '09, and have since immersed myself to a ridiculous level.  This is our attempt to give a little piece back to the fandom<3.